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Raising Men

by Brenda Martin When we look around us at average young men today, are we seeing strong, capable MEN?What we ARE seeing is the fruit of parenting in the last couple generations (...)

The Warmth of the Good Shepherd

When I was a young sailor, I was all about the adventure. Go new places? Sign me up!Foreign country? No sweat! Sleep in cramped berthing at sea with a couple thousand other guys? (...)

To the Girls

It’s a chilly Monday morning. My hands cradle the coffee cup as I try to calm my nerves. I’ve repeated this process dozens of times, yet I can’t stop the pounding in my heart when (...)

A Letter to My Boys

Excerpt from To Train Up A Child-30th Anniversary It has been 30 years now since my dad wrote the first edition of this book. At the time, I was 15 and my brother was 17. I am now (...)

Everything Changes

Sometimes it seems as if the only constant in life is that everything changes.Let me explain; in 1994, my Dad finished To Train Up a Child. I remember walking to the mailbox down (...)

Out of the Grave | A Testimony of a Modern...

The family in this story experienced unity of faith, God’s miraculous intervention, and the protection of their local government. But their happy ending stands in contrast to many (...)

Unwanted, Unloved, & Ashamed |...

This story is of a girl from an unreached tribal people in India. Her story is told in her own words, combined with comic-style art created with the help of AI. We are excited to (...)

Who’s The Best of the Three?

The first man Adam was a Mr. Steady. A Mr. Steady/Priestly Man wants peace, and he wants to give tender favor and emotional support to his wife, even when it would be wiser to (...)

Mr. Command (King – God the Father)

My daddy was a Mr. Command Man. He was so much so that he teetered on selfish. When he walked in the door at 5 PM after being at work he assumed a home-cooked dinner would be (...)

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